Learning the Language of Hip Hop w/ Jaeki Cho
Check out Episode 10 with Jaeki Cho as we talk about the impact of our upbringing, dissect the usefulness of focus, and muse on how our priorities change with age.
The 7 Train is like the Nile [3:30]
When Hip Hop became a business [9:19]
Celebrating differences in work styles, ADD [13:00]
$6.99 Per Pound podcast, Jaeki is righteous, hot food delis [17:26]
Creating a cultural hub in Flushing [23:20]
There's a formula to everything [27:36]
The most rewarding projects are never the biggest [31:59]
Jaeki Cho - www.instagram.com/jaekicho
S/O to our partners @ListeningPartyPresents and @CanalStreetMarket
Roy Choi in Broken Bread - https://www.kcet.org/shows/broken-bread
$6.99 Per Pound - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/%246-99-per-pound/id1374927391
Bad Rap Trailer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNjbnQmb6vE
Alumni - https://www.alumniofny.com/
Producer: Jamie McCracken
Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/undo-radio/support